Window Replacement & Repairs

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Window Replacement and Repairs in Surrey

In many cases, getting a broken window repaired might feel like the right thing to do but if you look at the big picture, a replacement could be the better long-term solution.

Replacing windows comes with a number of benefits and can even help to lower your energy bills. So if you’re currently having to decide between window repair and replacement, this guide will help.

There are a number of telltale signs that it’s time to have your windows repaired or replaced. If you’re noticing any of the following, it’s time to contact a professional.

Damaged or broken
Damaged or broken windows, whether it’s the frames or the glass, should be sorted out as soon as possible. Having broken windows could not only have a negative impact on your home’s efficiency but can also be dangerous.

Allowing in outside noise
The very best windows will help to prevent outside noise from making its way into the home. Replacing single glazing with double or triple glazing will add an additional layer of insulation against outdoor noises.

Water is making its way into your home
It doesn’t get much more obvious that it’s time to get a professional to take a look at your windows than if water is entering your home. Water can lead to mould and rot which can spread to the surrounding walls, causing damage to your property.

Signs of mould or rot
As we mentioned, any water around the window frames can lead to mould and even rot (timber frames). Left without any treatment this can lead to damage and the need for replacement windows.

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Signs that you need a window repair or replacement

Glass is fogging up
Windows fog up due to condensation, formed when humid indoor air that’s full of moisture hits the cold glass window. High levels of humidity can lead to mold or rotting window frames which in turn can worsen the insulation properties of the windows.

Tough to open and close
Having a hard time opening and closing your windows makes it easier for cold outdoor air to make its way in and heat to escape. This could soon lead to a rise in your energy bills so don’t put up with them.

Energy bills are on the rise
It’s worth checking over your windows every now and then to make sure they’re working as they should be. Over time windows can lose their efficiency which leads to your heating bills gradually rising.

In this case, it would be worth considering different Types of Energy Efficient Window to replace your existing ones.

The locks aren’t working
Safety has to be a high priority with all windows around your home. Fortunately, if the locks aren’t working then it should just be a case of getting them replaced rather than the entire window.

You simply don’t feel comfortable
Windows play a big part in the comfort of a room and if you aren’t as comfortable as you used to be then there’s a high chance that the windows are what’s causing it.
